The LSC Triathler for acceptance control of unknown samples in a white lab

Valérie Willems, Liesel Sneyers

    Research output


    At the EME lab from SCK.CEN the safety of the lab technicians come first, they analyze samples some of which have unknown properties and possibly high levels of radiation. The LSC Triathler is examined to provide part of this safety by performing an initial control for alpha and beta radiation. ³H and 14C are used as beta sources and 241Am as an alpha source in the experiments. For sample control, the LSC Quantulus 1 is used. The linearity of the Triathler is examined with increasing amounts of activity in the samples as well as a reliability test for measurements taken one after the other. A clear linearity is proven for the beta sources, the alpha source showed no meaningful results indicating a problem. For the replicability, the 14C showed a more constant result than the low beta energy ³H. Because of these results, the Triathler should not be used for the acceptance control at this moment. The problems with the alpha measurements have to be solved. The measurements for the beta sources do show positive signs that in the future this device could be used for at least some of the acceptance control.

    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • KU Leuven
    • Hasselt University
    • Sneyers, Liesel, SCK CEN Mentor
    • Schreurs, Sonja, Supervisor, External person
    Date of Award23 May 2023
    StatePublished - 21 May 2023

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