The powder-agglomeration method for the fabrication of spherical fuel particles

Jean-Jacques Huet, Firmin Gorle

    Research outputpeer-review


    Since several years, the powder-agglomeration methods are applied to the fabrication of several kinds of spherical particles for nucleaer reactors.
    By the right choice of starting materials and binder on one hand and by the good fit of apparatus used on the other hand it was possible to produce very good spherical shapes with oxides, mono- and di-carbides of thorium, uranium, plutonium and zirconium and mixtures of these compounds.
    To produce the carbides, it was found more adequate to make the particles with the oxides and a sufficient amount of carbon. The reduction of the oxide into carbide is done in the particle itself by high-temperature high-vacuum heat treatment.
    The powder-agglomeration method proved to be very versatile; it allows to adjust the chemical composition independently of melting points and liquid or solid miscibility of the different materials which are handled.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSCK CEN
    Number of pages7
    StatePublished - Jun 1965

    Publication series

    NameSCK CEN Reports
    PublisherSCK CEN

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