The recovery of neutron-irradiated zinc

Jos Nihoul

    Research outputpeer-review


    The recovery of the electrical resistivity of pure zinc is investigated after neutron irradiation at liquid nitrogen temperature. The main recovery stage is located around 105° K. Two Independent analytical methods point to an activation energy of about 0.21 eV and second order kinetics. This stage is ascribed to the migration of interstitials to vacancies and may be compared with stage III of the f.c.c. and b.c.c. metals. A second, but less pronounced recovery stage around 155° K Is associated with an activation energy of 0.50 eV and may be due to vacancy migration.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSCK CEN
    Number of pages11
    StatePublished - Aug 1963

    Publication series

    NameSCK CEN Reports
    PublisherSCK CEN

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