Thermal neutron induced α-particle reaction on64, 65, 67Zn and77Se

A. Emsallem, M. Asghar, P. D'Hondt, C. Wagemans

    Research outputpeer-review


    The (nth, α) reaction spectroscopy was done on64, 65, 67zn and77Se at the 87 m curved thermal neutron guide of the Grenoble high flux reactor. In each of the64Zn(n, α)61Ni and67Ni(n, α)64Ni reactions, one line showed up corresponding to an α-particle transition to the first excited state in61Ni and64Ni with σα1=11±3 μb and 159±20 μb respectively. In the case of the radioactive65Zn(T1/2=244 d) nucleus, two lines showed up corresponding to the ground state and the first excited state transitions in62Ni with large values of σα0=1.0±0.1 b and σα1=1.0±0.1 b. For the77Se(n, α)74Ge reaction, the ground state and first excited transitions were present with σα0=940±20 μb and σα1 = 30±5 μb respectively. The spin-parity (Jπ) of the neutron resonance contributing at thermal energy are discussed.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)201-204
    Number of pages4
    JournalZeitschrift für Physik A Atoms and Nuclei
    Issue number2
    StatePublished - Jun 1984

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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