Tijdsafhankelijk stressresponsen in Arabidopsis thaliana planten blootgesteld aan uranium en cadmium

Mieke Janssens, Hildegarde Vandenhove

    Research output

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    In this thesis Arabidopsis plants were exposed to uranium, cadmium in their EC50 value or to both stressors in half their EC50 value. Different responses including biomass production, ROS production, antioxidative capacity and photosynthesis were followed at different time-points from 1h after exposure to 7days. As a main conclusion Cd and U are present in an equitoxic mixture they seem to behave similarly compared to the single stressors. In time the biggest difference was found for photosynthesis with Cd showing already a change after 24h whereas for U differences were only found after 7days.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Katholieke Hogeschool Kempen
    • Horemans, Nele, Supervisor
    Place of PublicationGeel, Belgium
    StatePublished - May 2009

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