Train-the-trainer course for radiation protection expert: essential to develop competences

F. Marcuccini, Paul Livolsi, Michèle Coeck, Tom Clarijs, M. Marco Arboli, Joanne Stewart, Pedro Vaz, Nazareth Falco, C. Pesznyák

    Research outputpeer-review


    The perceived growth of the use of ionizing radiation (medical, industrial and research), requires an advanced understanding of radiation protection in order to protect workers, the public and the environment from the potential hazards of ionizing radiation. Within this perspective, maintaining a high level of competences in radiation, assuring the ongoing skills development of personnel and adequate knowledge management, is crucial to ensure future and safe use of ionizing radiation and the development of new nuclear activities in a safe way. The ENETRAP III project is a proactive leader for bringing forward solutions in the development of competences for RPEs and/or RPOs. Until now, radiation protection E&T projects focused mainly on the development of scientific and technical training contents. Little consideration has been given to help lecturers with developing the programs following the European standards and guidelines such as ECVET and EQF, or to update those providing training with information on recent developments in the use of modern learning tools. Aware of the importance of appropriate didactic and andragogic skills, the ENETRAP III project dedicates a work package to the development and implementation of a trainthe- trainer course in order to enable lecturers to acquire the necessary teaching and training competences to ensure their mission as trainer. Since the Euratom BSS describes training as one of the outstanding tasks of RPEs and RPOs, this train-thetrainer course is designed to meet their specific needs. As such, the RPE train-the-trainer course has the following objectives: - Design training activities using the ECVET approach - Identify the different European tools designed to support professional mobility - Design playful and relevant learning situations, involving participants in applicable situations - Identify innovative learning resources training tools - Implement the basic principles and good practices of training - Give a short training session in front of a specialized audience The training course consists of a one-week face-to-face session. To achieve the above objectives, the course consists of various innovative teaching tools and methods: lectures, pedagogical scenarios, digital tools, workshop, discussions and role-play. Activities are built to stimulate, involve and interact constantly with the participants. Participants will be assessed throughout the training course through reflective questions (using an interactive training animation tool), individual and/or group practical exercises and case studies. A learning assessment, covering all the themes of the training, will be held at the end of the training. Two training sessions are scheduled (February in French and June 2017 in English). The February session reached a maximum capacity (in two weeks only). It shows the interest and willingness of radiation protection professionals to improve their E&T skills.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationConference proceedings - ETRAP 2017
    PublisherENS - European Nuclear Society
    Number of pages12
    ISBN (Electronic)978-92-95064-30-0
    StatePublished - 1 Jun 2017
    Event2017 - ETRAP: Education and training in radiation protection - Valencia
    Duration: 30 May 20172 Jun 2017


    Conference2017 - ETRAP
    Internet address

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