Training schemes on nuclear safety culture for managers: the TRASNUSAFE project

Michel Giot, Benny Carlé, Michèle Coeck, Gaston Meskens, Pascal Crouail

Research outputpeer-review


TRASNUSAFE, a Project supported by the European Commission (FP7 - 249674), aims at designing, developing and validating two training schemes on nuclear safety culture for professionals operating at a high level of managerial responsibilities in nuclear installations. The first section of the paper deals with a general presentation of the Project running since end 2010, including its objectives, structure and methodology. As presented in section 2, the Project started with an analysis of the needs made by means of a questionnaire and a set of five regional workshops. Section 3 reports on the conclusions of two reflection groups organized within the “European ALARA Network” (EAN) and the “European Training and Education in Radiation Protection Foundation” (EUTERP) networks. While the first aimed to clarify the links between the ALARA principle currently used in the radiation protection community and the safety culture of the nuclear industry, the second focused on the different meanings of ‘justification’ of the radiological risk in societal and occupational context respectively, and on the implications of these findings for nuclear safety culture.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTransactions of TOPSAFE2012
Place of PublicationBrussels, Belgium
StatePublished - 24 Apr 2012
EventTOPSAFE2012 - ENS, Helsinki
Duration: 22 Apr 201226 Apr 2012



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