Tritium release during different decommissioning techniques

Arno Vankrunkelsven, Kris Dylst, Yves D'Joos

Research outputpeer-review

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In the field of decommissioning and decontamination, multiple difficulties arise. The main issues in tritium decontamination are due to its ability to permeate through virtually any material. As a result, the release of tritium from contaminated materials is affected by multiple parameters, complicating the exact characterization and choice of the decontamination strategy. Research efforts by the decontamination and clean-up processes group at SCK•CEN are currently concentrating on two different projects. In the first project, the dismantling of an obsolete tritium installation is evaluated. Parts of this installation have tritium inventories in the MBq/g range. Tritium release using several cutting techniques and the tritium inventory of the resulting cut parts and secondary materials, such as sawdust and cutting curls, is investigated. The second project concerns the detritiation and safe conversion of tritiated NaK into less reactive carbonates.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2361198
Number of pages6
JournalFusion Science & Technology
StatePublished - 10 Jul 2024

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics
  • General Materials Science
  • Nuclear Energy and Engineering
  • Civil and Structural Engineering

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