Uncertainty about C-S-H dissolution assessed by a multi-model simulation of different C-S-H dissolution models

    Research outputpeer-review


    Given the large variability in experimental data on calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H), a variety of C-S-H dissolution models have been developed and published in the literature. However, no single model is available to describe all the experimental data convincingly. This paper therefore uses a multi-model simulation based on a selected number of published C-S-H solubility models to obtain lower and upper bounds to the published experimental C-S-H solubility data. A functional analysis based on a concrete leaching simulation reveals that the difference between the models in the amount of water needed to leach the concrete to a C-S-H phase with a Ca/Si ratio of approximately 1 is quite small. However, significant differences between the models are encountered when leaching the complete C-S-H gel
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings 1st International Symposium on Cement-based Materials for Nuclear Wastes. NUWCEM 2011
    Place of PublicationMarcoule, France
    StatePublished - Oct 2011
    Event1st International Symposium on Cement-based Materials for Nuclear Wastes. NUWCEM 2011 - CEA énergie atomique – énergie alternative and SFEN, Avignon
    Duration: 11 Oct 201113 Oct 2011


    Conference1st International Symposium on Cement-based Materials for Nuclear Wastes. NUWCEM 2011

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