Understanding biological responses to ionising radiation in plants: a study with Lemna minor as a new molecular model system

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    This thesis aimed at improving the understanding of the fundamental processes regulating chronic radiation stress response mechanisms in higher plants. To this end, the responses on multiple levels of biological organization (individual, biochemical and molecular level) were examined by exposing L. minor plants continuously for 7 days. Two different radiation types, namely γ- and β-radiation, were examined in order to elucidate the ionising specific biological stress responses. The floating plant Lemna minor was chosen as model system. Following sub-goals were identified: •Set-up dose-response relationships for the different ionising radiation types for Lemna minor. •Development of a molecular platform for Lemna minor. •Identification of molecular fingerprint as well as potential specific mode of action for the different radiological types considered with feedback from the classic growth related endpoints.
    Original languageEnglish
    • Horemans, Nele, SCK CEN Mentor
    • Blust, Ronny, Supervisor, External person
    Print ISBNs9789057285080
    StatePublished - 1 Mar 2016

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