Updated state-of-the-art on THM behaviour of i) buffer clay materials and of ii) host clay formations: EURAD - D7.2

Maria Victoria Villar, Pierre Besuelle, Katerina Cernochova, Frédéric Collin, James Cuevas, Robert Cuss, Christophe de Lesquen, Arnaud Dizier, Ginger El Tabbal, Antonio Gens, Natalia Gimeno, Caroline Graham, Dragan Grgic, Jon Harrington, Christophe Imbert, Vlastislav Kašpar, Stephan Kaufhold, Olivier X. Leupin, Séverine Levasseur, David MasinJan Najser, Asta Narkuniene, Markus Ollin, Heini Reijonen, Šárka Šachlová, Sergey Sayenko, Eric Simo, Daniel Svensson, Jiri Svoboda, Alexandru Tatomir, Gianni Vettese, Janne Yliharju, Borys Zoblenko

    Research outputpeer-review

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    The EURAD-HITEC project investigated the effects of elevated temperatures (above 100°C) on clay host rocks and buffer materials used in radioactive waste repositories. Current safety cases often limit temperatures to 100°C in the buffer and 90°C in the host rock, but tolerating higher temperatures could improve repository designs. Three clay formations (Boom Clay, Callovo-Oxfordian claystone, and Opalinus Clay) and two types of bentonites (Wyoming-type and divalent bentonites) were studied to assess their performance under higher temperatures. This updated state-of-the art summarises the main key findings relevant to this work package in terms of thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour for the buffer and the geological host formation.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEURAD - European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management
    Number of pages128
    StatePublished - 1 Jun 2024

    Publication series

    NameEURAD Reports

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