Updated Training materials: Deliverable 15.4

Kristel Mijnendonckx, Ana Maria Fernandez, James Hesketh, Roberto Gaggiano, Arnau Pont, Fraser King

Research outputpeer-review

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This training course is based on the work inside the EURAD project CONtainer CORrosion under Disposal conditions (ConCorD). It aims to provide an overview of the evolution of the environmental conditions focused on the near-field and their impact on corrosion behaviour with a focus on irradiated-accelerated corrosion, microbial activity and degradation during nearfield transients. Furthermore, a detailed overview of novel technological concepts for container materials is provided. The final part of the course gives a theoretical and practical overview of prediction tools for assessment of long-time barrier integrity and the integration of corrosion phenomena in performance assessments. This part is separated into a specific part about corrosion modelling of carbon steel embedded in bentonite with a reactive transport model: coupling or not an electrochemical model with bentonite-iron geochemistry and a more general part discussing prediction tools for assessment of long-time barrier integrity. The outline and learning outcomes for each of the topics is given in this report. In general, the target audience for all lectures are people that already have a basic background in corrosion but want to learn more details about a topic outside their field. For example, beginning PhD students/scientists in the field. This enables people to gain a broad basic background in studying corrosion processes related to nuclear waste disposal. In principle, the slides can be used on a stand-alone basis to learn the main principles; however, more subtle information will be gained if the slides are taught by a lecturer.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEURAD - European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management
Number of pages12
StatePublished - 23 May 2024

Publication series

NameEURAD Reports
No.EURAD - D15.4

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