VALMOX-Validation of Nuclear Data for High Burnup MOX Fuels

Bernard Verboomen, B. Lance, S. Pilate, Robert Jacqmin, Alain Santamarina, Jim C. Kuijper

    Research outputpeer-review


    VALMOX, an acronym for Validation of Nuclear Data for High Burnup MOX Fuels, is one of the projects of the cluster EVOL (Evolutionary Fuel Concepts : High Burnup and MOX Fuels). It covers 30 months, from October 2001 to March 2004. It considers the evaluation of the actinide inventory of MOX fuel at high burnup (typically 60 GWd/t) in Light Water Reactors, with special attention to the helium production. Calculated values for the spent fuel isotopic masses are compared to the measured ones, with sensitivity analyses made in support. The JEF 2.2 nuclear data file is taken as a basis for calculation. The resulting recommendations on nuclear data should be employed in the preparation and testing of the next JEFF3 file. So far, the major effort was placed on the evaluation of MOX fuel irradiations in Pressurised Water Reactors, and first results will be presented and compared.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationSymposium on Shared-Cost and Concerted Actions FISA-2003
    Subtitle of host publicationEU research in reactor safety, Luxembourg, 10 - 12 November 2003
    Number of pages6
    StatePublished - 12 Nov 2003
    Event2003 - FISA: Symposium on EU Research in Reactor Safety - Luxembourg
    Duration: 10 Nov 200313 Nov 2003


    Conference2003 - FISA

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