Variation in stakeholder opinion on countermeasures across Europe

Frank Hardeman, Anne F. Nisbet, Julie A. Mercer, Aino Rantavaara, Riitta Hanninen, Christian Vandecasteele, Kortas G. Ioannides, Chryso Tzialla, Henry Ollagnon, Vincent Pupin, Thomas Jullien, Benny Carlé

    Research outputpeer-review


    A compendium of agricultural countermeasures and rural waste disposal options has been compiled as part of the EC STRATEGY (Sustainable Restoration and Long-Term Management of Contaminated Rural, Urban and Industrial Ecosystems) project. The compendium was discussed by the FARMING (Food and Agriculture Restoration Management Involving Networked Groups) network of stakeholders during meetings of national panels in the UK, Finland, Belgium, Greece and France in 2002. Their preliminary feedback has been summarised in terms of whether an option is generally acceptable, unacceptable or only acceptable under specific circomstances. A considerable divergence of opinion between national panels was apparent for many of the options considered. This could be attributed to differences in geomorphology, climate, land management, infrastructure, consumer confidence, sociopolitical context and culture. Where consensus was reached between stakeholders it was generally for those countermeasures that provide public reassurance, sustain farming pratices and minimise environmental impact. Furthermore, whilst there was general agreement that contaminated food should not enter the food chain, many of the options proposed for its subsequent management were not generally acceptable to stakeholders.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)371-381
    JournalJournal of environmental radioactivity
    Issue number3
    StatePublished - 13 Jun 2005

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