Virtual standard for wavelength-dispersive electron-probe microanalysis

Claude Merlet, Xavier Llovet, Olivier Dugne, Stephan Brémier, Wouter Van Renterghem, Renato Restani

    Research outputpeer-review


    A calibration method aimed at converting X-ray intensities into absolute units has been tested in different electron microprobes. The calibration requires measurement of the X-ray peak profile and measurement and calculation of the bremsstrahlung intensity emitted from a reference sample, at the energy of the X-ray line of interest. Specifically, measurements of the U Mα and Mβ lines emitted from UO2 and bremsstrahlung intensities emitted from an Al reference sample have been performed on five different instruments. The aim of the work is to determine to what accuracy X-ray intensities emitted from reference samples of actinide elements are transferable among different electron microprobes (virtual standard). The influence of the focussing geometry and different crystals and proportional counters used is analysed. Strategies to reduce the uncertainties affecting the absolute calibration of the studied lines are discussed.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)427-432
    Number of pages6
    JournalMicrochimica Acta
    Issue number3-4
    StatePublished - Jun 2008

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Analytical Chemistry

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