Xenon mitigation project - Phase III: prototype construction and testing

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    The xenon mitigation project aims at designing a mobile system for the reduction of radioxenon emissions from Radiopharmaceutical facilities. In this part of the project, the xenon mitigation prototype was constructed, according to the design developed in the previous phase of the project, and tested. The prototype is very compact compared to other possible solutions for xenon mitigation (e.g. based on activated carbon). Initial tests, for checking the helium leak tightness, were performed. The prototype proved to have a good leak tightness. The adsorption material inside the prototype, a silver zeolite called ‘Ag-ETS-10’, was tested to ensure that the adsorption properties were similar to the ones obtained with a previous sample in laboratory conditions. Resulting from these tests, it was shown that the adsorption capacity was similar to the one obtained with the previous sample. As a new heating system, based on infrared lamps, was used, the regeneration process was also checked to ensure that the heating system would perform as whished for. The new heating system was well suited for the regeneration. Resulting from these tests, the prototype was fulfilling its purpose and was ready to be included in an operational environment to be tested with radioxenon.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSCK CEN
    Number of pages19
    StatePublished - 4 Dec 2015

    Publication series

    NameSCK•CEN Reports
    PublisherStudiecentrum voor Kernenergie

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